Monday, November 17, 2008

TB convention held in Sargodha

TB convention held in Sargodha
By: Ms Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization)

SARGODHA, PAKISTAN: A tuberculosis convention was held on Wednesday (today) at 11:00am under the auspices of the Sargodha District Government and the Asia Foundation in Jinnah Hall.

The Executive District Officer (Health) was the chief guest while DO (Health) was guest of honour on the occasion. District Coordinator TB Control Programme, Dr Sikander Hayat Warraich and Asia Foundation district field coordinator Faiz-ur- Rehman also addressed the convention to elaborate the steps being taken by the government and NGOs to combat the communicable disease. Doctors, lawyers, journalists, students, representatives of various NGOs and volunteers have been invited to the convention.

Dr Sikander stated that Sargodha surpasses the list from all over the country in working on the convention of TB.

Shamim Jahangir, the Executive District Officer of Finance and Planning proclaimed to have full domination over the dangerous but curable disease of TB, we are with full devotion and loyalty are trying to spread knowledge and awareness amongst people. We are not only working for the individuals as well as for the society. Our basic aim is to give more preference to the people of the locality than ourselves, trying to root out the evils like poverty, disease and ignorance from the phase of this world. But for this we need the contribution of every individual of the society.

The important members who were present in the convention were EDO Health Dr. S.M Firdoas, EDO Community Development Rana Mohammad Amin, District Officer of Health Dr. Hafiz Ghulam Qadir, and the Divisional Co-coordinator of the TB programme Dr. Riaz Ahmad were present on the occasion.

Dr. S.M Firdoas stated on this occasion that TB is dangerous but 100 percent curable as well. We need to play our full part in the treatment of those family members, friends and neighbors who are suffering from this disease. In the Sargodha District, all the governmental Hospitals as well as 14 non-government hospitals are giving free medicines and treatment to those who are afflicted by this disease. He pressurized the community to totally engage themselves in the 8 month treatment against this disease.

Dr. Sikander Hayat Waraich stated in the constant and sudden increase of this disease in our country is a serious issue which should be sorted out. He took an oath from all the health development workers that they will provide us with their best effort in hurling out TB from our country. In 1993 TB was declared as Global Emergency by WHO. In 2004 the battle of TB programme began in Sargodha District.

Dr. Riaz Ahmad addressed, ‘At this time there are 55 million patients of TB and amongst them are 2.2 million patients from Pakistan. Every year, 3 million are added into this figure in the World. Whereas every year in Pakistan, 0.62 million people are afflicted by this disease. He said that if the steps are not immediately taken then in 2020 one billion people will be the victims of this prompt disease. This disease is spreading even more rapidly than poverty and ignorance.

Faiz-ur-Rehman, the District field Co-coordinator of the Asia Foundation stated that it has become very important to take immediate steps against this disease. The Asia Foundation is playing an important role in this cause.

Four, NGOs Rahbar, Al Baka, Shauur and the Rays of Development Organization (ROD), participated with the Asia Foundation in this gigantic cause.

The Rays of Development Organization prepared an alerting stage drama on TB to promote awareness and devotion in the people to fight against this disease. The audience appreciated a lot the participants of this drama. From ROD, Farooq Bhatti and Azeem Rustam were the in charge of the stage settings. Nadia Aslam and Ms Tahira were there for the make up of the characters. Adil Naseem had the lights arrangement.

The stage drama showed the subsequent story. There was a girl named Rano, who was suffering severely from the dangerous disease of TB. Throughout the drama she was coughing constantly. She was a village girl and his ignorant parents and neighbors took her to the witch doctor but there was no remedy. Then she was taken to the professional doctor and he suggested her appropriate treatment. The performers were the following:

Main role of Rano-----------------------Beeta Yousaf
Father of Rano-------------------------- Imran Mazher
Mother of Rano-------------------------Ghazala Khursheed
Brother of Rano-------------------------Aashir Emmanuel
Fiancée-----------------------------------Shehzad Masih
The witch doctor------------------------Nadeem Samuel
Companions of witch doctor----------Washal and Raja
Neighbors--------------------------------Rosy Dewan and Ashir Laal
Doctor------------------------------------Ferhan Mazher
Background Music---------------------Adnan Saeed
Writer------------------------------------Jawad Mazhar

The audience appreciated a lot the participants of this drama. In the end of the drama Ferhan Mazher, the doctor demonstrated the audience about the causes, symptoms, preventions and the significance of the treatment of TB.

At the end of the program every body signed the Commitment to Fight against TB at all levels.

Mr. Ferhan Mazher
Rays of Development Organization, Sargodha, Pakistan.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wrestle TB with Gigantic bludgeon of Awareness continues

Written by: Ms Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization [ROD])

Sargodha, Pakistan (ROD): On 30th July, at 11:00am, a program was held by the co-operation of The Asia Foundation (TAF) Pakistan and The Rays of Development Organization (ROD), at ITM College Main Campus, University Road, Sargodha. The lectures precised in the function were associated to the resistance aligned with Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDS. The function was in accordance with the time table of the students. From the brilliant approaching generation fifty (50) students, a lecturer and Mrs. Rehman who is the Intermediate coordinator. Both the organizations were provided with freedom to give lectures and to guide students with liberty, about these treacherous diseases.

These organizations have combined and taken the responsibility on their shoulders to guide students of Private Schools and Colleges, to lead a hale and hearty life as it is supposed that HEALTH IS WEALTH.

General Secretary Madam Rosy Dewan, Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher from The Rays of Development Organization and Mohammad Asif the community activist, Ms Sana Javed and Faiz-ur-Rehman the field coordinator, from the Asia Foundation Pakistan, showed their crucial corporation in the function.

Lines printed on slogans were justified and conferred by both NGOs. First slogan marked that Tuberculosis is curable. Mohammad Asif and Madam Rosy Dewan responded to several questions, for making the conceptions of the students obvious.

The questions were as following:
1. What is Tuberculosis?
Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also effect the assisting organs of the body.
2. Can Tuberculosis spread its viruses?
Ans: Yes, it can spread it viruses when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.
3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?
Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight decreases.
4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?
Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the sputum test is taken.
5. How can it be cured?
Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special tablets which he has to take for 8 months on a regular basis.
6. Where can is this medicine available?
Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

Faiz-ur-Rehman the field coordinator and Nadeem Samuel shared their understanding impressively, with the undergraduates. He told the students about the important steps that are to be taken.
1. The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
2. A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
3. The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
4. Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
5. The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for 8 months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.

Imran Mazher added persuasively that the man who is suffering of this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others. Madam Rosy Dewan and Ms Sana Javed distributed packets of juices and Lays chips amongst the students.

Mrs. Rehman, the Intermediate coordinator, thanked both organizations for providing the youth knowledge and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.

We then thanked Mrs. Rehman for endowing us with a chance to interrelate with the students directly and provide them with the awareness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, and they should be tackled with courage and determination.

Report Recommended by:

Mr. Ferhan Mazher,
(Rays of Development Organization)

Grapple TB with enormous bludgeon of alertness persists

By: Ms Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization fact Finding Team (RFFT))

Sargodha, Pakistan (ROD): On 4th August, at 11:00am, a program was held by the co-operation of the Asia Foundation Pakistan, and The Rays of Development Organization, at Information Technology Management (ITM) Commerce Campus, University Road, Sargodha. The lectures precised in the function were associated to the resistance aligned with Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDS. The function was in accordance with the time table of students. From the brilliant approaching generation fifty (50) students, a lecturer Madam Lubna and Mrs. Mehboob, the principal. Both the NGOs were provided with freedom to give lectures and to guide students with liberty, about these treacherous diseases.

These NGOs have combined and taken the responsibility on their shoulders to guide students of Private schools and colleges, to lead a hale and hearty life as it is supposed that HEALTH IS WEALTH.

Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher from The Rays of Development Organization and Mohammad Asif the community activist and Faiz-ur-Rehman the field coordinator, from the Asia Foundation Pakistan, showed their crucial corporation in the function.

Lines printed on slogans were justified and conferred by both NGOs. First slogan marked that Tuberculosis is curable. Mohammad Asif responded to several questions, for making the conceptions of the students obvious.

The questions were as following:
1. What is Tuberculosis?
Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also effect the assisting organs of the body.
2. Can Tuberculosis spread its viruses?
Ans: Yes, it can spread it viruses when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.
3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?
Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight decreases.
4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?
Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the sputum test is taken.
5. How can it be cured?
Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special tablets which he has to take for 8 months on a regular basis.
6. Where can is this medicine available?
Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

Mr. Faiz-ur-Rehman the field coordinator (TAF) and Nadeem Samuel shared their understanding impressively, with the undergraduates. He told the students about the important steps that are to be taken.
1. The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
2. A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
3. The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
4. Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
5. The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for 8 months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.

Imran Mazher added persuasively that the man who is suffering of this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others. Nadeem Samuel distributed the packets of juices and Lays chips amongst the students.

Mrs. Mehboob, the principal thanked both organizations for providing the youth knowledge and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.

We then thanked Mrs. Mehboob for endowing us with a chance to interrelate with the students directly and provide them with the awareness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, and they should be tackled with courage and determination.

Report Recommended by:

Mr. Ferhan Mazher,
Rays of Development Organization)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Rehabilitation of drug addiction in Sargodha (ROD)

Written by: Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization)

The international drugs day was celebrated all over Pakistan. Different seminars were prepared by different organizations at different places.

Sargodha staff reporters: D.H.Q Hospital of Sargodha a seminar was arranged for the rehabilitation of drug addiction. D.C.O Sargodha, Sahabzada Shehriyaar Sultan was the chief guest of the function. And the function was organized under the consideration of Dr. Nasir Khan Awan, E.D.O Health. Dr. Sikandar Hayyat, In charge of that hospital, believed that usage of intoxicating and unnecessary medicines is in extensive in Pakistan. Due to which people undergo a mill of suffering. They are ignorant of consequences of such medication. Their abdomen is no less than pill mills, which is injurious for them. It is like dawdling venomous, in short, a suicide attempt. Government and private hospitals, even civil society have to unite and labor simultaneously to save country from this nuisance.

MS DHQ Dr. Amjad Iqbal said that ‘only one drug addict person can affect the whole society. Our country is being eaten up by spreading disease.’ Dr. Sarfraz Malik said, ‘260 beds should be arranged for such patients and it is necessary for the rehabilitation of drug addiction.’ EDO Dr Nasir Awan, MS DHQ Dr. Amjad Iqbal, Dr. Sikander Hayyat Waraich, Dr. Sher Mohammad and Dr. Ayesha protested against the increasing influence of drug addiction and emphasized on its rehabilitation.

From the Rays of Development; the General Secretary Rosy Dewan, Imran Mazher, Nadeem Samuel, Miss Ruby, Asher Emmanuel and Sana Akhtar showed their crucial existence in this seminar. The Asia Foundation and RAHBER Welfare Organization also showed their essential attendance.

In Sargodha, numeral people effected from drugs, grow .05 million of its population. Different NGOs and organizations assemble funds for the betterment of drug addicts, but they have done nothing and children of thousands of mothers, are affected by this cause. Children are apple of their parent’s eye and no parent can see them in anguish.

There are only 7 centers for the recuperation and stopping of drug addiction. Due to this addiction the addicts are also ensuing to become patients of AIDS. Government has not shown any high-quality performance in this matter due to which there is an increase in the addicts on a hazardous height. One center at this time is established with the help of NGO in DHQ Hospital. Other six centers are also on move with the help of NGOs but they are devoid of the conveniences as well as proper attention. Due to which these centers are not much successful.

According to the United Nation Organization, Sargodha is getting renowned because of its increase in cases of AIDS which are happening. Most of the people who are afflicted from AIDS are those who are drug addicts. Those people who insert the drowsing drugs in their body, with the help of syringes. Numberless drug addicts comprise the people who are working in workshops and children who gather garbage, because of poverty, inadequate money and discontented provisions. They use contemptible drugs to satisfy themselves as well as their appetite. They put summer bond on clothes and then burn it and inhaling it is very dangerous for the lungs as well as other organs of the body. They use Sulpher, Injections, and Heroin and Smed bond to oblige themselves. Drugs include: charas, bhang, efume, ganja, heroin, cocaine, Mari Juana, emphy timaen etc. There are three basic kinds of drugs in use:

  1. Anti Depressant: Those who want satisfaction and deep slumber of sleep use them extensively. Their organs gradually are destabilized.
  2. Stimulant: Some drugs are meant to create punctuality in the body. But due to these they become heart patients and on giving up this habit they face great tribulations.
  3. Hallucinogens: In the beginning they are used to kill anxiety. Suddenly mind discontinues functioning and they are totally engrossed in affect of these drugs. Such people hastily arrive at their final stage of life.

The major cause of it is escalating everyday expenditures and unemployment. They don’t have proper playgrounds to stimulate their energies in some constructive manner. Reasons are the following: joblessness, poverty and discomfited, family problems, bad companies, incongruity in love, the unfulfilled desires and flight from the astringent actualities of life.

It is quite effortless to obtain drugs in Sargodha. Hameed Town, Khada Basti, Christian colony, Eidgah Road, areas of Hyderabad Town, Fatimah Jinnah Colony, Wajh community, are the focal points of supplying drugs. The price of a packet of heroin is from Rs 70 to Rs 500 which is quite reasonable. In medical stores there is a massive demand of such fascinating drugs. The medical stores runners usually without the permission slip of doctors use to vend drugs at expensive prices. Now-a-days even in such drugs rambling amalgamation is extensive. In it is assorted Balspha powder and minced lizards are mixed in drugs which results in the hasty bereavement of the aficionado.

Police arrests negligible distributor of drugs but cream of the crop is still un-arrested. Due to which the smuggling of drugs is impervious. Even police captures the gigantic smugglers, once in a blue moon who are usually released on bribery.

20 million people are affected by drugs all over the world. In Pakistan this ratio is around 55 lacs. There is 10% increase per year in the full amount of drug addicts.

According to the intellectuals, due to drug addiction a person can suffer from different kinds of physical and mental ailments. Man looses his power of his conscious. Body aches, farting and intestine problems are visible. Hands, feet or fingers swell up. Vomiting and appetite increases or dwindle in some cases. Filthy ooziness from nose and ears amplify.

No importance is given on controlling of drug addiction, whereas it bears a large sum of our nation. Day by day the number of the addicts is escalating. 67% men, 18% women, 15% children are suffering from due to this and 75% of these are aging from 18 to 35.

Our nation is collapsing and cannot get purged of such tribulations. More than 50% of people suffer due to poverty. They don’t have facilities nor do they know about their rights. They just keep on wandering in redundancy and they deem in bogus notions.

We should treat such people with additional concern, love and attention. They need our love and attention as man is a social animal. They can be helped in reviving from this suffering by not avoiding them, providing them chances to prove themselves and by giving knowledge to the youngsters so that they might not interact with such kind of depression.

Recommended by:

Ferhan Mazher,


( Rays of Development Organization)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wrestle TB with the support of Gigantic bludgeon of Awareness

Written by: Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization)

On 19th June, at 12:00pm to 01:30pm, a program was held by the collaboration of the Asia Foundation Pakistan and Rays of Development Organization, at Christian Girls High School, Block # 16, Khushab Road, Sargodha. The lectures précised in the function were associated to the resistance aligned with Tuberculosis. The function was in accordance with the time table of the students. From the brilliant approaching generation forty nine (49) students, teacher Nazia Sardar and Miss Khayaal Ara, the Principal, showed significance with their attendance in the function. Both the NGOs were endowed with freedom to bestow lectures and to direct students by means of liberty, about these deceitful diseases.

These NGOs have combined and taken the responsibility on their shoulders to guide students of Private schools and colleges, to lead a hale and hearty life as it is supposed that HEALTH IS WEALTH.

Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher from The Rays of Development Organization and Mohammad Asif and Miss Sana Javed, the community activists, and Faiz-ur-Rehman, the Field Coordinator, from the Asia Foundation Pakistan, showed their crucial conglomerate in the function.

Lines printed on slogans were justified and conferred by both NGOs. First slogan marked that Tuberculosis is curable. Faiz-ur-Rehman, the Field Coordinator, from the Asia Foundation Pakistan, countered several questions, for making the conceptions of the students obvious.
The questions were as following:
1. What is Tuberculosis?
Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also impinge on the assisting organs of the body.
2. Can Tuberculosis spread its viruses?
Ans: Yes, it can spread its bacteria when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.
3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?
Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight decreases.
4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?
Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the spit test is taken.
5. How can it be cured?
Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special tablets which he has to take for 8 months on a regular basis.
6. Where can is this medicine available?
Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

Mohammad Asif shared his understanding strikingly, with the undergraduates. He told the students about the important steps that are to be taken.
1. The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
2. A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
3. The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
4. Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
5. The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for (8) months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.
Nadeem Samuel added persuasively that the man who is suffering of this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others.

A skit was also played by Miss Sana Javed, a social activist, and Asia Patras, a student of 10th class. In the performance, Miss Sana Javed played the part of a patient, suffering from Tuberculosis. Asia Patrass played the role of a well-informed member of society, who convinced the patient to stop entirely depending upon the spiritual cures and prayers and be realistic towards life. There should be faith and hope present in heart while going to the hospital.

When the play was over, the students were asked that 'what have they learnt from this event?'
Suneeta Rubab, the student of 10th standard, replied notably that one should be vigilant and rapid while fighting against such diseases. Though death is fatal but we all have the right to lead a healthy life and we should take benefits of the modern technologies. Ignoring them will be like turning away our face from the blessings of God.
At the end of the function the packets of juices were disseminated between the students, by Miss Sana Javed and Imran Mazher. Miss Khayaal Ara, the Principal thanked both organizations for providing the youth with wisdom and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.
Faiz-ur-Rehman, the Field Coordinator, thanked Miss Khayaal Ara for bequeathing them with a chance to interrelate with the students directly and provide them with the alertness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, but when faced with courage and determination, then they become no less then the rotting buildings which can fall at anytime.

Report Recommended by:
Ferhan Mazher
(Rays of Development Organization).

Wrestle TB with the support of Gigantic bludgeon of Awareness

Written by: Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization)

On 15th June, at 10:00am to 11:00am, a program was held by the co-operation of the Asia Foundation Pakistan and the Rays of Development Organization (ROD), at SIT (Sargodha Institute of Technology), University Road, Sargodha. This university is well-known for its 3 years Diploma in the different technologies. of Associate Engineering. The lectures précised in the function were associated to the resistance aligned with Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDS. The function was in accordance with the time table of the students. From the brilliant approaching generation fifty (50) hostility, hostel Warden and Robinson Daniel, the Principal, showed elegance with his presence in the function. Both the NGOs were provided with freedom to give lectures and to guide students with liberty, about these treacherous diseases.

These NGOs have combined and taken the responsibility on their shoulders to guide students of Private schools and colleges, to lead a hale and hearty life as it is supposed that HEALTH IS WEALTH.

Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher from The Rays of Development Organization and Mohammad Asif the community activist, from the Asia Foundation Pakistan, showed their crucial corporation in the function.

Lines printed on slogans were justified and conferred by both NGOs. First slogan marked that Tuberculosis is curable. Mohammad Asif responded to several questions, for making the conceptions of the students obvious.

The questions were as following:

1. What is Tuberculosis?

Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also effect the assisting organs of the body.

2. Can Tuberculosis spread its Bacteria?

Ans: Yes, it can spread it bacteria are when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.

3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?

Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight decreases.

4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?

Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the spit test is taken.

5. How can it be cured?

Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special tablets which he has to take for 8 months on a regular basis.

6. Where can is this medicine available?

Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

Nadeem Samuel shared his understanding impressively, with the undergraduates. He told the students about the important steps that are to be taken.

  1. The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
  2. A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
  3. The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
  4. Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
  5. The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for 8 months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.

Imran Mazher added persuasively that the man who is suffering of this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others.

Robinson Daniel, the Principal thanked both organizations for providing the youth knowledge and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.

We then thanked Robinson Daniel for endow us with a chance to interrelate with the students directly and provide them with the awareness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, but when faced with courage and determination, then they become no less then the rotting buildings which can fall at anytime.

Report Recommended by: Ferhan Mazher, Chairman (Rays of Development Organization)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fight TB with the help of Knowledge

Fight TB with the help of Knowledge

By: Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization, (ROD), Sargodha Pakistan)

On 14th June, at 9:00am to 10:00am, at Saint Paul High School, University Road, Sargodha, classes 9th and 10th, participated in the TB prevention program, which was held by the co-operation of The Asia Foundation Pakistan (TAF) and Rays of Development Organization.

The lectures specified in the function were associated to the struggle against Tuberculosis. Fifty Nine (59) students, four (04) teachers and the Principal Sir Aslam Joseph attended the function. Both the Organizations were provided with the freedom to give lectures and to guide the students with liberty, about these dangerous diseases.

This is the first course function held by these two organizations and their basic purpose is, to guide the students of Schools about these diseases. The similar chain of events is to be carried on afterwards in 3 big schools in Sargodha, to inculcate awareness in the minds of the listeners especially students. In the issue of Schools, both Organizations merge to show the best consequences in this good cause. As far as the Government Schools are concerned, The Asia Foundation Pakistan has taken the responsibility on its shoulders to guide the students to lead a healthy life as HEALTH IS WEALTH.

From The Rays of Development Organization, Madam Rosy Dewan, Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher and from The Asia Foundation Pakistan, Mohammad Asif and Miss Sana, the social mobilizers, showed their vital presence in the function.

The lines written on the slogans were justified and discussed in detail by both of the Organizations. The first slogan was that Tuberculosis is curable. Miss Sana answered several questions to make the conceptions of the students clear.

The questions were as following:
1. What is Tuberculosis?
Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also effect other organs of the body.
2. Can Tuberculosis spread its viruses?
Ans: Yes, it can spread it viruses when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.
3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?
Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight reduces.
4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?
Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the spit test is taken.
5. How can it be cured?
Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special medicine which he has to take for 8 months regularly.
6. Where can is this medicine available?
Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

After Miss Sana's appetizing debate, Nadeem Samuel shared his knowledge with the undergraduates. He told the students about the important steps that are to be taken.
The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for 8 months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.

Mr. Nadeem Samuel added that the man who is suffering from this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others.

At the end of the function juices were distributed amongst the students, by Mohammad Asif and Imran Mazher. The Principal of St Paul’s High School, Sir Aslam Joseph thanked both organizations for providing the younger generation with knowledge and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.

The activists from both the Organizations thanked Sir Aslam Joseph for providing them a chance to interact with the students directly and provide them with the awareness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, but when faced with courage and determination, then they become no less then the dead mosquitoes.

Report Recommended by:
Mr. Ferhan Mazher,
(Rays of Development Organization).

Fight against TB with the assistance of Massive Weapon of Knowledge

Fight against TB with the assistance of Massive Weapon of Knowledge
By: Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization (ROD), Sargodha, Pakistan)

On 14th June, at 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM, at Saint Peter's High School, Chak (Village) # 79N.B, Sargodha, classes 8th, 9th and 10th, participated in the function, which was held by the co-operation of The Asia Foundation Pakistan and the Rays of Development Organization.

The lectures specified in the function were associated to the struggle against Tuberculosis. From the bright upcoming generation, 49 students, 17 teachers and the Principal, Mrs. Khalida Qasim, showed the grace with her presence in the function. Both the organizations were provided with the freedom to give lectures and to guide the students with liberty, about these dangerous diseases.

These organizations have combined and taken the responsibility on their shoulders to guide the students to lead a hale and hearty life as HEALTH IS WEALTH.

From Rays of Development Organization, Ferhan Mazher, Chairman of The Rays of Development Organization, Madam Rosy Dewan, Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher and from the Asia Foundation Pakistan Mohammad Asif the social mobilizer, showed their crucial company in the function.

The lines written on the slogans were justified and discussed in detail by both the organizations. The first slogan was that Tuberculosis is curable. Mohammad Asif answered several questions to make the conceptions of the students obvious.
The questions were as following:

1. What is Tuberculosis?
Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also effect other organs of the body.
2. Can Tuberculosis spread its viruses?
Ans: Yes, it can spread it viruses when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.
3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?
Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight reduces.
4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?
Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the spit test is taken.
5. How can it be cured?
Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special tablets which he has to take for 8 months on a regular basis.
6. Where can is this medicine available?
Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

Nadeem Samuel shared his understanding with the undergraduates. He told the students about the important steps that are to be taken.
The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for 8 months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.

Mr. Nadeem Samuel added that the man who is suffering of this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others.

At the end of the function juices were distributed amongst the students, by Madam Rosy Dewan and Imran Mazher. The Madam Principal, Mrs. Khalida Qasim thanked both organizations for providing the younger generation with knowledge and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.

Mr. Ferhan Mazher thanked Mrs. Khalida Qasim for providing them with a chance to interrelate with the students directly and provide them with the awareness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, but when faced with courage and determination, then they become no less then the rotting buildings which can fall at anytime.

Report Recommended by:
Mr. Ferhan Mazher,
(Rays of Development Organization).

Fight TB with the massive weapon of Knowledge.

Fight for the Right Cause with the Massive Weapon of Knowledge.

(The Asia Foundation (TAF) and Rays of Development Organization’s (ROD) joint venture to fight against the cure and prevention of TB)

Written by: Khadijah Shah (Rays of Development Organization)

On the 10th June, at 9:00 am, at Sargodha Catholic School, Sargodha, classes 9th and 10th participated in the function, which was held by the co-operation of the Asia Foundation Pakistan, and the Rays of Development Organization, Sargodha.

The lectures specified in the function were associated to the struggle against Tuberculosis, Sixty Two (62) students were accompanied by 4 teachers, and the Principal Brother Shanti, attended the function. Both the organizations were provided with the freedom to give lectures and to guide the students with liberty, about these dangerous diseases.

This is the first course function held by these two organizations and their basic purpose is, to guide the students of Schools about these diseases. The similar chain of events is to be carried on afterwards in 6 big Schools in Sargodha to inculcate awareness in the minds of the listeners especially students. In the issue of Schools, both organizations merge to show the best consequences in this good cause. As far as the Government Schools are concerned, The Asia Foundation (TAF) Pakistan has taken the responsibility on its shoulders to guide the students to lead a healthy life as HEALTH IS WEALTH.

From the Rays of Development Organization Rosy Dewan, Nadeem Samuel and Imran Mazher and from The Asia Foundation Pakistan Mohammad Asif and Miss Sana, the social activists, showed their vital presence in the function.

The lines written on the slogans were justified and discussed in detail by both of the NGOs. The first slogan was that Tuberculosis is curable. Miss Sana answered several questions to make the conceptions of the students clear.
The questions were as following:

1. What is Tuberculosis?
Ans: It is the disease of lungs but on certain conditions it can also effect the other organs of the body.
2. Can Tuberculosis spread its viruses?
Ans: Yes, it can spread it viruses when an infected patient spits, coughs or sneezes.
3. What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis?
Ans: Cough prolongs three weeks or even more that that, blood comes in the spit, normally the patient suffers from temperature and the weight reduces.
4. Where can be Tuberculosis diagnosed?
Ans: It can be diagnosed from a nearby Hospital, Health and Tuberculosis Center. To diagnose the disease the spit test is taken.
5. How can it be cured?
Ans: There is no need to get worried because National Tuberculosis Control program is started and World Health Organization has started a program named DOTS (directly observed therapy short course), due to which the patient should without any delay refer to these programs and they will provide him with a special medicine which he has to take for 8 months regularly.
6. Where can is this medicine available?
Ans: This medicine is available at almost every medical store or hospital and in the Government hospitals, it is provided without any financial restriction.

After her, spoke Nadeem Samuel, to share his knowledge with the undergraduates. He told the students about what things are to be kept in mind.
The patient should not give unnecessary gaps in taking the medicine and the medicine should be taken with the proper management of time.
A responsible man should become his caretaker or guardian.
The members of his family should not neglect him or send him somewhere else for the treatment. They should have a friendly and caring attitude towards him to bring some hope in his life.
Breast Feeding is harmless even when a woman is afflicted by this disease.
The Disease of Tuberculosis is curable and for the best result one has to take the medicine for 8 months and he has to be punctual in doing so without any delay. He should also consult a specialist for a regular check up to show the progress in his reports. Without the doctor's suggestion he should not discontinue the medicine.

Mr. Nadeem Samuel added that the man who is suffering from this disease should make the proper use of handkerchief while coughing, sneezing and spitting; as it can be effective in the open environment and can become the cause of annoyance in the lives of others.
In the end of the function Lays chips and the packets of juices were distributed amongst the students, by Mohammad Asif and Imran Mazher. The Principal of Sargodha Catholic High School, Sargodha, Brother Shanti thanked both organizations for providing the younger generation with knowledge and for inculcating in their minds the awareness due to which they can lead a happy and healthy life in the society.

Spokesmen of both the organizations, namely TAF and ROD thanked Brother Shanti for providing us a chance to interact with the students directly and provide them with the awareness of the bitter realities (diseases) of life, but when faced with courage and determination, then they become no less then the dead mosquitoes.

Report Recommended by:
Mr. Ferhan Mazher,
(Rays of Development Organization).

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Move forth by creating a chain against Ignorance about HIV/AIDS.

Move forth by creating a chain against Ignorance about HIV/AIDS and STDs.

Sargodha,Pakistan: The severe impact of the AIDS' pandemic on families, communities and economies is commonly acknowledged by scientists, the media and politicians the world over. However, more than 25 years later the losses remain stark: AIDS continues to kill almost 6000 people each day and more than 2 out of 3 HIV positive people still lack access to treatment. During 2007 some 2.5 million people became newly infected with the virus. Around half of all people who become infected with HIVAIDS do so before they are 25 and are killed by HIV/AIDS before they are 35.

While women make up an increasing proportion of those living with HIV/AIDA and bear a greater burden of care, current HIV/AIDS responses do not tackle the violation of women’s rights - a key driver of the pandemic.

The Global Aids Week of Action was celebrated all over the world by NGOs. In Pakistan it was warmly celebrated. In Sargodha, on 24-05-08, venue Red Light Area Chungi No: 12, Sargodha, the event took place and candles were lit in the remembrance of those who passed away due to this disease.

The event of Aids Week of Action was organized by Apacha Pakistan, Action Aid, SHEED Society Sargodha, Youth Group of Red Light Area Sargodha and the Rays of Development Organization. In this event the Chief Guest was the Union Nazim Riyasat Sikander Hayat. Khalid Gujar of SHEED org gave a start to the function. He enlightened that this specific Week is being celebrated all over the world as well as in many divisions of Pakistan. He proceeded that we should be concerned with those who are tormented from this fatal disease, Aids, and we should save other people from becoming a component of this high risk disease.

SHEED Org is running the project of Netherlands Embassy and they facilitate them in doing so. They have a group who are putting their effort in behavior counseling of female sex workers. They are also creating awareness in female members of society, about HIV/AIDS and STD (sexually transmitted disease).

With the help of Netherlands Embassy they have thought of opening a school in Red Light Area. It will not be a common school as it will be a part of Multi Media just like Hi Tec, which will endow its students with the awareness of such diseases so that our coming generations should have proper defense against them. It is said that agitation and campaigning can play an important role in this school. It was announced in the function that the Rays of Development Org will run this school. It inauguration will take place in July and the classes will set in motion from Prep and Nursery.

From the Rays of Development Org, the members were Imran Mazher, Nadeem Samuel and Umm-e-Rubab, SHEED Org’s activist Khalid Gujar, Youth Group of Red Light Area’s Chairman, Safdar Hussain and in public from 50-60 people of Red Light Area attended the function. The Union Nazim and the members of Rays of Development one by one lit candles. The Union Nazim then ended the programme giving a concluding speech. He thanked all the NGOs who participated in this great cause. He assured them that the local government will cooperate with them and facilitate them in each and every step. He said that such programmes should be held to assist those who are afflicted due to lack of knowledge and awareness.

Report Recommended by: Ferhan Mazher (Chairman of Rays Of Development).

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sordid Drainage system of Pakistan (Survey by ROD)

Sordid Drainage system of Pakistan

Written by; Ms Khadijah Shah (ROD)

The water is polluted due to addition of chemical material of organic and inorganic nature. It is because of agricultural and industrial activities expansion. There are issues of solid waste management, disposal of medical, toxic, hospital waste, dumping of industrial and domestic effluent into the sea, smoldering garbage dumps, power plants, noise and air Pollution, water contamination, discharge of gases and chemicals from industries, cutting trees, elimination of mangroves along coastal lines and coastal erosion which should be taken in great consideration. Our drinking water is unsafe, and our factories are continuously releasing harmful by-products and discharging various types of effluents in our rivers and sea while thousands of vehicles throughout the cities continuously emit smoke, but conviction of the offenders is still a far cry.

I would like to draw the attention of the authorities to the unhygienic conditions in several places of Pakistan. Anyone who visits them can feel the need for having better arrangements for their cleanliness. There are malodorous rubbish heaps to be seen here and there in the streets with flies hovering over them causing and dispersing diseases.

Then there are puddles of muck outside the houses, providing appropriate conditions for the generation of mosquitoes on them, causing malaria that is a common disease here.

Tons of garbage and rubbish are dumped underground. This causes insanitary. The solid waste blocks the main sewage, resulting into the blockage of the main drainage and eventually the dirty water starts leaking out. Such areas filled with garbage hills need immediate cleaning. During the rainy season situation gets critical with outbreaks of cholera and other seasonal epidemics.

With more roads with swarming traffic and aircrafts’ traffic, the atmosphere is further polluted.
With enormous increase in the population, need of sanitation facilities
, houses, roads and other facilities gets momentum, resulting into heaps of garbage, shrinking the jungle territories and deficiency of clean drinking water.

According to Dr. Hassan Murtaza Shah (M.B.B.S), sewage waste which is often left off the road by sanitary workers which contains pathogenic bacteria that cause diseases like typhoid, typhus, cholera and hepatitis. Soon that waste desiccates and turns into dust and enters into our houses making them polluted and unhygienic.This dust can infect breathing passages, reduce lungs' working capacity, and causing dyspneic, pain when inhaling deeply, wheezing, and coughing. It can cause eye and nose irritation and it dries out the protective membranes of the nose and throat and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infection, increasing susceptibility to illness. The dirty stagnant water had increased the number of cholera and measles patients. He said out of every 100 patients, 20 had measles, while 15 were affected by cholera. He also told us about the case of a 5 year old girl Sara Ilyas, who died due to the disease Cholera. This disease caught hold of this innocent victim because her surrounding and atmosphere was full of pollution. The gutter system was not proper their and was not cleaned regularly.

Mohammad Javed, a paramedic and a child specialist, said out of every 10 child patients, six suffered from cholera.

Hafiz Muhammad Anwer of Jhang Batir said his six children and brothers were suffering from measles and held the stagnant dirty water responsible for diseases. He said his children could not go to school. Hafiz Shaukat Ali of Kund said his parents were sick but he could not manage to take them to hospital because of the dirty stagnant water. He said he had to hire a rickshaw to cover just 30 feet distance to reach his doorstep from the road. These people tried to ask help from the Government but no one had paid attention to their pleas.

There should be proper arrangements for the regular removal of rubbish from the street. The rubbish trucks or carriages of the Corporation should carry it away daily. There should be arrangements for proper drainage of dirty water from the streets. The waste filthy black water should not be left on the streets as it is very harmful and the streets should be kept neat and clean. Proper steps should be taken as soon as possible to prove that Pakistan is in true sense a clean, “PAKEEZA” ( Pious, flawless and without blemish) country.


Data /Information collected and compiled by ROD Fact Finding Team comprising of;

Jawad Mazhar, Nadeem Samuel, Adil Naseem, Adnan Saeed, Imran Mazher and Ms Khadijah Shah

Special Thanks to;

Dr. Hassan Murtaza Shah

Mohammad Javed
(Paramedic & Child Specialist)

Recommended by;

Mr Ferhan Mazher,


‘Rays of Development Organization’, Sargodha, Pakistan



00923216012462, 00923068989406

(Compiled by: Jawad Mazhar (ROD)